About StellarTeq

I, the owner of StellarTeq, founded the company in 2019. Enthusiastic about Entrepreneurship and holding a background in Aviation and Electrical Engineering I designed my first app. The app combined all three passions and I proudly put it in the Play Store. It failed. What didn't fail was my desire to make more and better apps. To learn how to market them, how to engage with users and how to grow as a developer.

Together with my skills the apps started growing. The programming language Kotlin is a big contributor to this, making it a pleasure and almost a creative art to create complex algorithms. I only design apps that I would use myself and heavily rely on both positive and negative feedback to improve them.

Parallel to Android development I thoroughly enjoy working with Embedded Systems. Designing circuit boards (PCBs) and writing software that runs on the microcontrollers on them. The logo emphasizes not just the broad range of 'dreams' I want to realize but also the skillset learnt to realize them. The future of StellarTeq is brightly colored, you could say.

If you think my skillset is of value to you, please don't hesitate to contact me. My native language is Dutch but I also spreak:

ADS-B | C/C++ | FPGA | Kotlin | Linux | LoRa | MQTT | NB-IOT | PCB | SQL | VHDL